Friday 22 September 2017

3 Ways to Protect Yourself From Distracted Drivers

Distracted drivers are becoming more and more of a problem on the roads. You’ve probably heard about major (or even deadly) accidents caused by someone who just wasn’t paying attention. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to protect yourself. The Charleston car accident attorney at Uricchio Law Firm wants you to feel safe and at ease while you drive with your loved ones. Here are some tips on what you need to be on the lookout for when it comes to distracted drivers:

  1. Make a plan – Map out a plan for the trip ahead. Let people know where you’re headed so you won’t be tempted to talk or text while you’re out and about. A major part of avoiding distracted drivers is that you can’t be distracted, either! Staying alert will help you fight back against bad drivers.
  2. Watch out for drivers that aren’t paying attention – If you see a driver beside you reaching for a snack, using a phone, applying makeup, or occupied with other distractions, make sure to put some extra space between your vehicles.
  3. Pay attention to overloaded cars – Cars that are filled to the brim with furniture or trash make it hard for the driver to see other vehicles that may be around them on the roads. Pay attention and allow extra space until you can safely get around them.

Although these tips can help you, sometimes there’s nothing you can do to avoid an accident. If you were involved in an accident caused by a distracted driver, contact Cristin Uricchio, our Charleston car accident attorney, today.

The post 3 Ways to Protect Yourself From Distracted Drivers appeared first on Uricchio Law Firm.

Friday 8 September 2017

What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries?

No one wants to get into an accident. Although many car crashes are minor, some are serious enough that you or your passengers suffer severe injuries. Here are five of the most common car accident injuries. If you or a loved one are hurt as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact Cristin Uricchio, a Charleston car accident attorney at Uricchio Law Firm:

  1. Spinal cord injury – Although we often hear about sports accidents and falls leading to spinal cord and other back injuries, car accidents are the number one cause.
  2. Soft tissue injury – These injuries can be a bit harder to diagnose and treat, but that doesn’t make them any less painful. An example of a soft tissue injury is whiplash.
  3. Lacerations – Many victims of auto accidents end up with cuts, especially if any glass was shattered. Some of these lacerations are so deep that they leave permanent scars.
  4. Brain injury – Concussions or debilitating brain injuries can result from severe car crashes.
  5. Broken bones – Sprained or broken bones can be caused by auto accidents. These injuries don’t just make it harder to get around. They can also make it impossible for you to work.

At Uricchio Law Firm, we know that facing these injuries can be difficult. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through it alone. A Charleston car accident attorney will review your case and help you fight back. Let Uricchio Law Firm represent you and help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact our car accident lawyers to get help now throughout the Tri-County area.

The post What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries? appeared first on Uricchio Law Firm.